XQuery Tree-sitter Playground
parse time:
"Hello, tree-sitter! ", ``[ time: `{current-time()}` ]``, my:three-argument-function(1,2,3), local:two-argument-function((1,2),3), map {"A":1,"B":2}, for $v in $doc//video return $v, doc("books.xml")/bookstore/book[price<30], element date { current-date() }
(type_declaration "as" @keyword) @type.declaration (parenthesized_item_type . "(" ")" ) @type.parenthesized_item (sequence_type "empty-sequence" "(" ")" ) @type.empty_sequence (atomic_or_union_type) @type.atomic_or_union (name_test) @type.name_test kind_test: (_) @type.kind_test (any_item) @type.any_test func_test: (_) @type.func_test (occurrence_indicator) @symbol.occurrence_indicator (wildcard) @type.wildcard ; 3.1 Primary Expressions ; 3.1.1 Literals (string_literal [ "'" "\""] @punctuation.bracket.string ) [(char_data) (string_constructor_chars) ] @string [ (escape_quote) (escape_apos) (escape_enclosed) (char_ref) (predefined_entity_ref) ] @string.special ; numbers [(integer_literal) (decimal_literal) (double_literal)] @number ; 3.1.2 Variable References (var_ref) @variable.reference ;3.1.3 Parenthesized Expressions (parenthesized_expr [ "(" ")" ] @punctuation.bracket.paren_expr) ;3.1.4 Context Item Expression (context_item_expr) @operator.context ;3.1.5 Static Function Calls ; A.3 Reserved Function Names (function_call . [ ncname: (identifier) @function.call (#not-any-of? @function.call "array" "attribute" "comment" "document-node" "element" "empty-sequence" "function" "if" "item" "map" "namespace-node" "node" "processing-instruction" "schema-attribute" "schema-element" "switch" "text" "typeswitch") prefixed: (identifier) (uri_qualified_name) @function.call.URIQualifiedName ] ( ":" @punctuation.delimiter.QName . local: (identifier) @function.call )* (arg_list) @function.call ) (arg_list arg: (placeholder) @parameter.placeholder) ; 3.2.2 Dynamic Function Calls ; 3.1.6 Named Function References (named_function_ref "#" @punctuation.delimiter . (integer_literal) ) @function.named_function_ref ; 3.1.7 Inline Function Expressions (inline_function_expr ((annotation) @function.annotation)? "function" "(" @punctuation.bracket.params (param_list)* ")" @punctuation.bracket.params ) @function.inline ; 3.1.8 Enclosed Expressions (enclosed_expr [ "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket.enclosed_expr) ; 3.2 Postfix Expressions (arg_list [ "(" ")" ] @punctuation.bracket.arg_list ) (predicate [ "[" "]" ] @punctuation.bracket.predicate) ; Postfix Lookup (postfix_lookup "?" @operator.postfix_lookup key: (_) @constant.key_specifier) ; 3.3 Path Expressions [ "/" "//" ] @operator.path axis: (_) @constant.axis_step ; 3.4 Sequence Expressions ; 3.4.1 Constructing Sequences ;@see parenthesized_expr (range_expr [ "to" ] @operator.range) ;3.4.2 Combining Node Sequences (union_expr [ "union" "|" ] @operator.union ); (intersect_except_expr [ "intersect" "except"] @operator.intersect_except) ;3.5 Arithmetic Expressions (additive_expr [ "-" "+"] @operator.additive) (multiplicative_expr [ "*" "div" "idiv" "mod"] @operator.multiplicative ) (unary_expr [ "-" "+"] @operator) ;3.6 String Concatenation Expressions (string_concat_expr ["||"] @operator.concat ) ;3.7 Comparison Expressions (comparison_expr [ "eq" "ne" "lt" "le" "gt" "ge" "is" "=" "!=" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" "<<" ">>" ] @operator.comparison) ; 3.8 Logical Expressions (and_expr [ "and" ] @operator.and) (or_expr [ "or" ] @operator.or) ;3.9.1 Direct Element Constructors: tag tag.attribute tag.delimiter (start_tag . "<" @tag.delimiter ">" @tag.delimiter ) @tag.start (end_tag . "" @tag.delimiter ">" @tag.delimiter) @tag.end (empty_tag . "<" @tag.delimiter "/>" @tag.delimiter) @tag.empty (direct_attribute "=" @operator.assignment.attr) @tag.attribute (attribute_value ["'" "\"" ] @punctuation.bracket) ; 3.9.3 Computed Constructors computed_constructor: (_ . [ "element" "attribute" "document" "text" "processing-instruction" "comment" "namespace" ] @keyword.computed_constructor ) @constructor.node ; 3.10 String Constructors (string_constructor . "``[" "]``" ) @constructor.string (interpolation . "`{" "}`" ) @constructor.interpolation ; 3.11 Maps and Arrays (map_constructor "map" "{" "}" ) @function.constructor.map (map_entry ":" @punctuation.delimiter.map ) (square_array_constructor "[" "]" ) @function.constructor.array (curly_array_constructor "array" (enclosed_expr)) @function.constructor.array ; 3.11.3 The Lookup Operator ("?") for Maps and Arrays ; Unary lookup is used in predicates (e.g. $map[?name='Mike'] or with the simple map operator ; Unary Lookup (unary_lookup "?" @operator.lookup.unary key: (_) @constant.key_specifier) ; 3.12 FLWOR Expressions (tumbling_window_clause . "for" "tumbling" "window" "in" ) @keyword.tumbling_window_clause (sliding_window_clause . "for" "sliding" "window" "in" ) @keyword.sliding_window_clause (window_start_condition "start" "at""previous" "next" "when" @keyword.window_start_condition ) (window_end_condition "end" "at" "previous" "next" "when" @keyword.window_end_condition) (_ [ current_item: (variable) @variable.current positional_variable: (variable) @variable.positional previous_item: (variable) @variable.previous next_item: (variable) @variable.next ] ) (for_clause . "for") @keyword.for_clause (for_binding (["allowing" "empty" "at" "in" ] @keyword.for_binding)*) @variable.for_binding (let_clause . "let" ) @keyword.let_clause (let_binding) @variable.let_binding [ (count_clause "count") (where_clause "where") (order_by_clause [ "stable" "order" "by" "ascending" "collation" "descending" "empty" "greatest" "least" "collation"] ) (group_by_clause "group" "by") (grouping_spec) ] @keyword.flwor.intermediate (return_clause "return" @keyword.return.flwor) ; 3.13 Ordered and Unordered Expressions (unordered_expr "unordered") @keyword.unordered_expr (ordered_expr "ordered") @keyword.ordered_expr ; 3.14 Conditional Expressions (if_expr "if" "then" "else") @keyword.if_expr ;3.15 Switch Expression (switch_expr "switch" "default" "return") @keyword.switch_expr (switch_clause "case" "return" ) @keyword.switch_clause ;3.16 Quantified Expressions (quantified_expr ["some" "every"] "in") @keyword.quantified_expr ;3.17 Try/Catch Expressions (try_catch_expr (try_clause "try") (catch_clause "catch")) @keyword.try_catch_expr ;3.18 Expressions on SequenceTypes ;3.18.1 Instance Of (instance_of_expr) @keyword.instance_of; ;3.18.2 Typeswitch (typeswitch_expr "typeswitch" "default" "return" ) @keyword.block.typeswitch (typeswitch_case_clause "case" "return" ) @keyword.case.typeswitch ;3.18.3 Cast (cast_expr "cast" "as" ) @keyword.block.cast ;3.18.4 Castable (castable_expr "castable" "as") @keyword.block.castable ;3.18.6 Treat (treat_expr "treat" "as" ) @keyword.block.treat_as ;3.19 Simple map operator (!) (bang_expr "!" @operator.bang ) ; 3.20 Arrow operator (=>) (arrow_expr "=>" @operator.arrow ) (arrow_function) @function ; 3.21 Validate Expressions TODO? ; 3.22 Extension Expressions TODO? ;4 Modules and Prologs ;4.1 Version Declaration (version_declaration ["version" "encoding"] @keyword.version ) @define.version ; 4.2 Module Declaration (module_declaration) @define.module ; 4.3 Boundary-space Declaration (boundary_space_declaration "boundary-space" @keyword [ "preserve" "strip"] @keyword) @define.boundary_space ; 4.4 Default Collation Declaratiodefault_collation_declarationn (default_collation_declaration "default" @keyword "collation" @keyword) @define.default_collation ; 4.5 Base URI Declaration (base_uri_declaration "base-uri" @keyword ) @define.base_uri ; 4.6 Construction Declaration (construction_declaration "construction" @keyword . ["strip" "preserve" ] @keyword) @define.construction ; 4.7 Ordering Mode Declaration (ordering_mode_declaration "ordering" @keyword . ["ordered" "unordered"] @keyword) @define.ordering_mode ; 4.8 Empty Order Declaration (empty_order_declaration "default" @keyword . "order" @keyword . "empty" @keyword . ["greatest" "least" ] @keyword) @define.empty_order ; 4.9 Copy-Namespaces Declaration (copy_namespaces_declaration "copy-namespaces" @keyword . ["preserve" "no-preserve"] @keyword . ["inherit" "no-inherit"] @keyword) @define.copy_namespaces ; 4.10 Decimal Format Declaration (decimal_format_declaration "decimal-format" @keyword.decimal_format) @define.decimal_format (df_property_define _ @keyword.df_property "=" @operator.df_property) ; 4.11 Schema Import (schema_import "schema" @keyword.schema_import ) @include.schema_import (schema_prefix "default" "element" "namespace" ) @keyword.schema_prefix ; 4.12 Module Import (module_import "module" @keyword ) @include.module_import. ; 4.13 Namespace Declaration (namespace_declaration) @define.namespace_declaration ;4.14 Default Namespace Declaration (default_namespace_declaration "default" @keyword [ "element" "function" ] @keyword "namespace" @keyword) @define.default_namespace ; 4.15 Annotations ;4.16 Variable Declaration (variable_declaration ((annotation) @variable.annotation)? "variable" @keyword) @define.variable ; 4.17 Context Item Declaration (context_item_declaration "context" @keyword "item" @keyword) @define.context_item ; 4.18 Function Declaration (function_declaration ((annotation) @function.annotation)? "function" @keyword "(" @punctuation.bracket ")" @punctuation.bracket) @define.function ; 33 ref by: FunctionDecl InlineFunctionExpr (param_list) @parameter.param_list ; defaults in EQNames ":" @punctuation.delimiter.QName prefixed: (identifier) @namespace.QName.prefixed ; assigning values token: ContextItemDecl VarDecl GroupingSpec LetBinding ":=" @operator.assignment ; ref ContextItemDecl VarDecl FunctionDecl "external" @import.external ; namespace define pattern in declarations (_ "namespace" @keyword (identifier) @namespace "=" @operator.namespace_assignment) ; end of declaration delimiter (_ ";" @punctuation.delimiter.declaration_separator .) ;4.2 Module Declaration "," @punctuation.delimiter (comment) @comment (ERROR) @error